Change network.dns.disablePrefetch to True. Next, change network.prefetch-next to False. Finally, change the value of network.http.speculative-parallel-limit to 0. Toggle Hardware Acceleration and WebGL. These functions use your graphics card to speed up certain functions, especially loading videos.

about:configにて、network.dns.disablePrefetchの値をtrueに設定; すれば良いだけ。 しかし、自分の環境(Firefox 17.0.6)ではうまく機能せずワーニングが出続けていた。 もうひとつの方法として、FirefoxのDNSプリフェッチ機能もSOCKSプロキシを通して行うようにするという Firefox Error Code Archives | Mozilla Firefox Support Firefox consistently crashes with any search in Gmail: Users reported certain issues with Firefox on Windows 10 in file explorer, and according to them, Firefox consistently crashes with any search in Gmail.This can be a big problem if you use Firefox as your default browser and you face this problem. if you want to solve this problem then Feb 15, 2010 · The correct title is network.dns.disablePrefetch. This article describes the preference network.dns.disablePrefetch. To add, delete, or modify this preference, you will need to edit your configuration — do not edit this article.

network.dns.disablePrefetch پارامتر ایجاد شده را پیدا کنید و اطمینان حاصل کنید که آن را به "درست" تنظیم شده است . اگر مقدار "false" را می بینید، بر روی پارامتر دوبار کلیک کنید تا مقدار را تغییر دهید.

705610 - setting network.dns.disablePrefetch to true STR 1. in about:config, set network.dns.disablePrefetch to true (false = default) 2. visit some webpages A.R. those visits are not recorded in browsing history (history manager is blank, URL autocomplete doesn't know about those recent visits) The back button still works though. How your Browser Speeds up Cross Domain Loading using DNS In general, you don't need to do anything to manage prefetching. However, should you wish to disable prefetching, it can be done by setting the network.dns.disablePrefetch preference to true. On the server-side, a server can opt out of DNS prefetching by serving content with the x-dns-prefetch-control: HTTP header set to "off".

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So if you are using firefox, go to about:config and set network.dns.disablePrefetch to true and network.prefetch-next (even more insane feature, downloads whole pages beforehand) to false I guess there is maybe some similar setting (or extension) for Chrome/Chromium too user_pref("network.dns.disablePrefetch", true); You may also consider the following, even though not required for the DNS prefetch, they are good from a privacy and preventatitve perspective: user_pref("network.dns.disablePrefetchFromHTTPS", true); (disable from https is supposed to be the default setting anyway, but lets just make sure) Nov 20, 2017 · If I set now " network-prefetch " = true and " network.dns.disablePrefetch " = false and restart FF 57, the settings are again: " network-prefetch " = false and " network.dns.disablePrefetch " = true (even if “Block all hyperlink auditing attempts” is still disabled).